Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Fall Concentration Series

    How culture defines who we are:

 Sacred Aspects of Heritage 

Classic french black and white striped clothing, beret and cigarette. 

Mexican Frida Kahlo  

  Arabic war lord/prince


African American jazz musician 

Greek goddess Eris and the Apple of Discord

Egyptian goddess Isis 

                                                                Western mountain man


Buddhist monk under the Bodhi tree 

Civil war soldier

Native American 

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Buddhist Culture: Naga and the Bodhi Tree

Story: A naga (snake) protects the Buddha from the elements, while he meditates under the Bodhi tree after his enlightenment 

Media: Colored Pencil, sharpie, Photoshop overlay and a photo of the mountains for the background

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

War Culture: Civil War

In honor of our vets, I'm adding war culture to my concentration. This was quite time consuming, because I made every mark in Photoshop. 

Media: purely Photoshop 


Since the pixels in the background seemed to overcome the piece, I toned them down to allow more focus to the Mountain Man

                                            Before                                                                           After

Friday, November 22, 2013

Greek Goddess of Discord: Eris and her "Apple of Discord"

Another in progress work. Based on story of the goddess of discord, Eris, and her "apple of discord"--meaing something that provokes an argument. 

                                        Before                                                           After

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Concentration Preview

How culture defines who we are: Sacred Aspects of Cultural Heritage 

Through my transcontinental travels, I have adopted a fervent desire to learn more about specific cultures held sacred to different countries. My concentration branches off of this passion, following different cases of cultural values, through the usage of layering ink, graphite and photography. Gaining a respect and understanding for different heritages and backgrounds, as well as understanding variety and complexity of culture in the world is simply imperative in the transition to adulthood.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Beach Day

Over my weekend in San Diego, I spent some time with my camera out by the waves! 
Both surfers were very talented, and I was honored to shoot them. 

Opposites, Opposites, Opposites

Well, since I really hate using illustrator and general shapes as frames, it was a suiting opposite to my artistic style to produce something using those both. 

Blurred out the center girl and birds purposely :)

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Silk Painting

Feeshy Feeshy Feeshy you are so tiny green, 
Feeshy Feeshy Feeshy please don't eat my spleen

For my finished product, I would rate Feeshy a 4.
3.D The work shows a limited range of intention and purpose. 
5.F The work is technically strong; materials and media are used well to express ideas. 
4.G Within the apparent appropriation of published or photographic sources or the work of 
other artists, the student’s “voice” is discernible; the images have been manipulated to 
express the student’s individual ideas

I felt very proud of this, and I loved the creation process. Watching the ink bleed into the different sections was so cool, however it was a pain when it bled onto the resistor turned out blotchy when I added layers. Overall, I feel silk painting is something I'd wish to continue!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Concentration: Egyptian Culture

Behold Isis, the Egyptian goddess of magic.
 She is the newest family member to my cultural concentration.

Photography, sharpie, pen, and Photoshop 

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Boulder Trip (WC7)

For our field trip assignment, I chose a photo with a vintage feel 
to try something outside of my box! 

Friday, October 18, 2013

Illustrator (WC6)

Circumlocutory. I don't even know what just happened. 

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Weekly Challenge 5

This week I was inspired by the poem On Raglan Road by Patrick Kavanagh, and his imagry falling for a dark-haired woman leading him down a road. 

"That her dark hair would weave a snare that I might one day rue"

Friday, October 4, 2013

Tell a Story with Art

Narrative Series

 Both women and men are oppressed from society for their appearance, because how it could effect other people and themselves. For my series, I chose to focus on a branch of persecution: facial coverings   As the series progresses, it transforms from voluntary covering of insecurities to societal requirements of modestness (Islamic traditions).

 I connected my series through color schemes (selective color), texture/pattern and using similar subjects. Enjoy. 

Monday, September 30, 2013

Weekly Challenge 4

I was not allowed to use any Photoshop techniques whatsoever, so I chose to focus on natural beauty.   I selected these images because of their soft tone and color scheme. My goal was to keep it alluring and gentle through selective focus and simplicity. 


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

20 Layers

Every onion has its layers. Pull them back and discover a whole new specimen

Sunday, September 15, 2013


For HDR as my challenge, I went around to my local car dump to find places with enough detail that I could photograph. I played around with selective focus, color schemes (and lack of), and composition. Although I found some interesting cars, I was bummed the sky was so grey this weekend, because I couldn't get any interesting shots of cloud formations. However, I will probably keep playing around with different textures and objects to photograph using HDR methouds t until I find a better replacement model. 

Monday, September 9, 2013


This week, I worked on setup and conpletion of photographing my own shoot, not something I found in nature. Think RED. I eliminated any other color so the eye could focus on the composition and subject of the photo. By photographing berries naturally colored red, the brain convinces the eye that it is red without even writing or using red itself. 

Friday, September 6, 2013

Cheers to concentration!

My conc. marriage is going to focus on how cultural traditions and sacred history differ from country to country, and community to community.....
  • Special traditions  
  • Sacred holidays and what occurs
  • Societal norms/sterotypes
  • Language (ASL and other standard langs)
  • General hardships/setbacks due to religion or lifestyle choices
  •  Obstacles people face because of their history conflict btwn cultures

....these are all topics I want to address. I'd love to begin with urban-based ideas and then progress to more rural, sentimental aspects of culture.

This would be one of the middle pieces--highlighting native American stereotypes and cultural pride

Medium: graphite based with Photoshop overlay

So I decided to dust off my good ol fractal program and put it to use! I overlayed and layered many fractals on top of this photo of my sister that I took, and thus this puppy was born. I'm not sure what I will put it towards--concentration maybe if I make it more cultural--but nonetheless it's always good to pull art out of your butt sometimes.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Weekly Challenge 1

 Over the summer, I found myself fascinated with the life of bees and wasps. So it was no surprise that I chose to emulate Eric Tourneret (the bee photographer) for my first weekly challenge! This photo I found intriguing, because it as if the wasp is climbing its way to the pollen. I used the natural sunlight to illuminate the leaves and 'furs' on the edges of the plant, and multiple filters on the background to emphasis the wasp and sunflowers! 

Summer Works!

After spending time away from the States over the summer, I found myself fascinated with Japanese culture. The lush greenery and almost surreal waters hypnotized me. While touring the country, I was inspired by the architecture and traditions. Something that was surprising to me was that no one could tour these two areas. 

 This top image of the Golden Pavilion in Kyoto, Japan, has been a part of the land for as long as hisotrians can remember. It's covered with very thin sheets of real gold, and surrounded by lush islands and millions of people swooning over it :) The architecture and poise it represents is so inspiring to me as an artist. 

This photo, of the Emperor's Palace Bridge, is so sacred to the history and culture of Japan that no one is even allowed on the bridge. Security guards hover over every photographer, protecting the country's emperor from harm.